COPD360social welcomes new member Robyn C who joins 61,784 current members of our community. Weโ€™re glad you're here!


baileymccraryHello everyone! The NIH just announced drastic cuts to research funding that will have devastating effects on the organizations who have produced countless medical breakthroughs and are our hope for battling COPD. Please urge your lawmakers to take immediate action against this critical threat to cutting-edge research by visiting our Advocacy: Action Center:

2 days ago


WitchyBevcommented onCOPD Flare-Ups: Warning Signs, Prevention, and Management

Wow, this is so helpful, I've never been sure what an exacerbation actually is. My doc prescribed me a combintion of Zpac antibiotic and Prednisone for "when I need it" and I've used it when the coughing got noticeably worse and I always have it on...

4 hours ago


muddleagedanswered the question Levels of exhaustion

It is easy to get stressed by not sleeping, but you may find this BBC article interesting: Once I read about "two sleeps", I began to enjoy the break between first sleep and second sleep. Sometimes …
carolmariev11Jonnie Korinko (COPDF Manager of Public and Professional Education)Caroline West Virginia State Captain also answered the question carolmariev11and 2 others also answered the question

7 hours ago

David Mannino, MD     (Chief Medical Officer, COPD Foundation )

David Mannino, MD (Chief Medical Officer, COPD Foundation )answered the question Mixed defect? Obstructive and restrictive

Obstructed spirometry is narrowed airways (asthma, COPD) Restricted spirometry is small lungs ( many causes, diabetes, obesity, heart failure, interstitial lung disease) Some people have both. Some COPD can actually have more restriction than …
GemgemzzzzzAnonymousnetmouse also answered the question Gemgemzzzzzand 2 others also answered the question

9 hours ago


EvanofEarthHello friends. Massive cuts to Medicaid are currently being planned, which could negatively impact millions of people. If you would like to take action to prevent or minimize cuts, here is a link. Thank you!

11 hours ago

DebbieB.-Connecticut State Captain

DebbieB.-Connecticut State Captaincommented onEating Well: From Debbie Bโ€™s Kitchen to Yours

SLOW COOKER GROUND TURKEY STEW16 ounces ground turkey Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste 4 medium potatoes, peeled and thickly sliced6 medium carrots, peeled and thickly sliced1 small onion, roughly choppedTwo 10.75-ounce cans tomato...

11 hours ago

HIcopd - Hawaii State Captain

HIcopd - Hawaii State Captainanswered the question What is the new rule about lithium ion batteries and flying with oxygen?

There doesnโ€™t appear to be a limit on the # of batteries you fly with <100 watt hours for personal use. Itโ€™s inconvient to fly with more small batteries, sure but not many other ways out of Hawaii.
Ken Benson-California Lung Health Advocate and State Captain also answered the question Ken Benson-California Lung Health Advocate and State Captain also answered the question

13 hours ago

Community Announcements

Community Announcementsadded a new article When is an Exacerbation Worsening COPD?

This article was written by Jonnie Korinko, MSRC, RRT, RRT-ACCS.

Most people with COPD sometimes feel short of breath.1 If they feel this way more often or more severely, they are more likely to have exacerbations, which are sometimes called flare-ups.1 When people notice their symptoms and get help right away, they are less likely to have exacerbations.2

Knowing the Symptoms

Feeling breathless is common with COPD. Some people also notice a frequent cough and mucus in their chest. Other people may have wheezing and chest tightness.3

People with COPD need to be aware of their everyday symptoms to know when they are getting worse.

What is a COPD Exacerbation?

An exacerbation is when a person with COPD has sudden and severe worsening of their symptoms. These include:

  • Worsened shortness of breath.
  • More coughing and mucus in the chest.
  • More wheezing.

14 hours ago



Getting my air ducts cleaned soon. Has anyone else had this done to help with their breathing?

16 hours ago


carolmariev11answered the question Spirometry: What was your experience?

Hello, I am new here, nice to meet you all. I have a question about the spirometry test. I have been living with breathlessness, actually for years but never diagnosed with COPD I started notiing that I was getting worse and worse over time. I was in …
Groverlazy tannie wiand 15 others also answered the question Groverand 17 others also answered the question

16 hours ago

Community Announcements

Community Announcementsadded a new article The Cost of Delay: Why Early COPD Diagnosis Matters in Primary Care

This post was authored by Jonnie Korinko, MSRC, RRT, RRT-ACCS.

It is well-established that COPD is underdiagnosed.1-3 When COPD is diagnosed early in its progression, it is linked to fewer exacerbations and lower healthcare costs.4 Increasing diagnosis in primary care can help people living with COPD manage their lung condition, allowing for early treatment and improved quality of life.

The Importance of Diagnosing COPD in Primary Care

Defining the prevalence of COPD can be difficult, as the diagnosis is dependent on the presence of post-bronchodilator spirometry. While less than six percent of the national population reports a COPD diagnosis, it is understood that this number misrepresents the burden of COPD, as spirometry is inaccessible or underutilized in many populations.5 Globally, it is estimated that 10.3% of the population live with COPD.5 COPD is listed as the sixth leading cause of death, accounting for approximately 4.5% of overall deaths in adults in the United States in 2022.6

16 hours ago

Thomas Ozarowicz

Thomas Ozarowiczanswered the question Kind of new to copd

So I'm 68 also. About 6 months ago diagnosed COPD moderate st 2 ! Just switched back to stillto and now arnuiti ellipta inhalers ! How do they know you had it 25 years ; I quit smoking 25 years ago ! I also have ckd T2d several other chronic health …
das23 also answered the question das23 also answered the question

16 hours ago

DebbieB.-Connecticut State Captain

DebbieB.-Connecticut State CaptainYes, it's another Wonderful Wednesday! Do I accept challenges? Yes, all the time. I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I accept a challenge, and I am successful in managing the situation. 
Don't be afraid to face a challenge. We meet up with challenges all the time. Whether they be big or small, you can handle the situation! Keep a positive outlook, an open mind, and move forward!

22 hours ago

Kandy State Captain of South Dakota

Kandy State Captain of South Dakota

I am in hospital with RSV and not going well. With years of lung diease I have decided to take comfort care!!  I have ejoyed being a part of this Copd Foundation!! 

1 day ago


Fritz45answered the question Asthma/COPD overlap at 31

โ€ฆI also should mention โ€œtheyโ€ is now a group of Drs at NJ. My case was brought to a panel for discussion. Iโ€™m in a small group of kids and young adults facing this and the prospect of we donโ€™t know. also inflammation not inflation.
David Mannino, MD     (Chief Medical Officer, COPD Foundation )Karen Deitemeyer - Florida State Captaindas23 also answered the question David Mannino, MD     (Chief Medical Officer, COPD Foundation )and 2 others also answered the question

1 day ago

HIcopd - Hawaii State Captain

HIcopd - Hawaii State Captainasked the question: What is the new rule about lithium ion batteries and flying with oxygen?

There is a NEW FAA rule about flying with oxygen. Please check your battery and find out what the watt hour rating is. It has to fall below the 160 maximum allowed by FAA or your battery may be banned from the flight. The Inogen One G5 double (16 cell) …

1 day ago


omgForRealDoctor is going to refer me to a pulmonologist and start me on a trial of Trelegy. I had better luck with uclemidium alone then the Breo Ellipta. Breo ellipta caused sporadic heart rate issues and difficulty breathing while laying down. What is really hard to distinguish is how much of my breathing difficulties are psychosomatic since I am hyper focused since getting diagnosed. She suggests that the lung scarring could be long COVID since I have not had pneumonia nor do I smoke and COVID is the only thing since the last cat scan.

I did have results from my first spirometer of .350 ratio fev1 1.3 predicted at 44%. 

My second visit of tests was month of Breo Ellipta. I have no idea how to read the results and they gave me a printout so I don't even know how to compare.  Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated. I am no longer freaked out but seriously wondering if I can continue my job with high exposure to people, illness, and pollution that can only be controlled with masks while surrounded by people who don't believe in masking. 

1 day ago



Iโ€™m really struggling emotionally. Iโ€™ve gotten a respiratory virus that has made my asthma and COPD almost unbearable. Looking for people to share bc I know my loved ones donโ€™t understand the true struggle of fatigue and coughing and struggling to exhale. Need support please

1 day ago

DebbieB.-Connecticut State Captain

DebbieB.-Connecticut State Captaincommented onEating Well: From Debbie Bโ€™s Kitchen to Yours

๐ŸŒฎ๐ŸŒฎ๐ŸŒฎTACO SAUCE๐ŸŒฎ๐ŸŒฎ๐ŸŒฎOne 16-ounce can tomato sauce 2/3 cup water2 tbsp. white vinegar 1 tbsp. cumin2 tsp. onion powder 1 tsp. garlic powder 1 tsp. garlic salt 1/2 tsp. chili powder1/2 tsp. paprika1/2 tsp. sugar1/2 tsp. cayenne pepper...

1 day ago



I had 6 zephyr valves installed and I'm 100 percent worse than before the procedure. Has anyone beed worse and gotten better later?

1 day ago


Sunshine88asked the question: Kind of new to copd

68 yrs, apparently I have had copd for 25 yrs with minimal symptoms per spirometer test SOB when walking & sinus issues that I use sinus tabs for and nasal rinse.this yr my Dr proscribed puffer salbutamol 100mcg to use not more than 4x a day.even …

1 day ago


Mrmerkinanswered the question What can I do about chronic sinusitis

Thank you. I am getting my deviated septum repaired and polyps removed and am on new nasal spray azelastine. The spray really helps. Things are better. Also using saline flush. Thanks!
Who Me ?cellar  also answered the question Who Me ?and 1 other also answered the question

1 day ago


Mrmerkinanswered the question Emphysema and Pets

Yes I have 2 filters in my bed room and 2 more in kitchen and living room. It has helped.
TomMDavid Mannino, MD     (Chief Medical Officer, COPD Foundation )Kandy State Captain of South Dakota also answered the question TomMand 2 others also answered the question

1 day ago

DebbieB.-Connecticut State Captain

DebbieB.-Connecticut State CaptainHappy Tuesday, everyone!
Together, we work as a team here on 360Social.  Teamwork combines the efforts of the members and staff. You are never alone when you are here! Thanks to everyone who is a member of this team! 

1 day ago

HIcopd - Hawaii State Captain

HIcopd - Hawaii State Captain

Iโ€™m listening in a โ€œTown Hallโ€ being conducted by my US Representative.

2 days ago

Karen Deitemeyer - Florida State Captain

Karen Deitemeyer - Florida State Captain

Important information for anyone flying Delta and using oxygen in flight. Oxygen To Go, (Delta's 3rd party Oxygen rental/approval company) now has the following statement on their approval form:

"Note: Delta Policy now forbids lithium-ion batteries that exceed 160-watt hours to be taken on board their airplanes.   Due to many POC manufacturers taking two equivalent single batteries in one shell (Double battery), and that being over 160-watt hours, if one battery has a run-away event resulting in fire, there is no possible way to remove the other within this battery enclosure."

Before Oxygen To Go would approve my request to fly with my Inogen G4 and have 2 double batteries I had to provide the battery number to the Oxygen To Go representative.   He then approved me to fly with the 2 double batteries.

He  told me that American "may" start a similar policy.   So - just a head's up for those of us who fly with our POC's.

2 days ago



Iโ€™m about to become caregiver to my ex-husband who has been hospitalized since the day after Christmas. He has been told he has emphysema and severe COPD. I need any advice anyone can offer. 

2 days ago

Medical Advice

It is not our intention to serve as a substitute for medical advice and any content posted should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We make every effort to support our members, our medical professionals cannot and will not provide a diagnosis or suggest a specific medication; those decisions should be left to your personal medical team. While we encourage individuals to share their personal experiences with COPD, please consult a physician before making changes to your own COPD management plan.