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15 Answers
Speaking of Ed…

In honor of reaching our 60,000 member milestone and in memory of our dear friend, Ed…How about a “puzzler”???

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2 Answers
Anyone else suffered diarrhea when flair up accur

Hi I've had COPD since 2021 and at the moment I have a flair up But this time ive got diarrhoea with it and the steroids and antibiotics have not worked as anyone else had this problem

Author: Cheryl1962
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6 Answers
Breyna and Symbicort

I have severe End Stage COPD. To be very honest...I do not think I will last much longer. When Breyna came available my insurance carrier automatically changed me from Symbicort to Breyna. It 'MAY' be a coincidence but my inability to breathe seems to …

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Excessive nasal mucus

After i shower i must blow my nose 6 or more times. how can i prevent this?

Author: Spra
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5 Answers
Hi, everyone! Guess what?

I have some big news to announce! I would like to introduce you to (cue the drum roll) … The COPD Foundation Podcast. We have been working on this project for several months and I am so excited to share it with you. Our wonderful COPD360social …

0 Votes
8 Answers
If I need 4L/min on a flight but can only get 2L/min from approved devices, what are the risks?

To add to Bill's excellent explanation of the settings on the Inogen G5 - here's a link to the Running On Air website's complete list of all current POC's and the actual amount of oxygen each puts out at their settings. https://runningonair.net/pocs …

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3 Answers
PFT help. Do I have lung disease?

Spirometry is normal, as is DLCO. Thus- COPD is very unlikely. With decreased TLC ( total lung capacity) and RV ( residual volume)- it is possible you have something other than COPD going on ( the list is very long for this- but they are considered …

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2 Answers
Just heard that GSK's inhaler price caps won't apply to people on medicare/medicaid

Here is the quote & link to the article I read: "GSK’s price cap will go into effect later this year, a spokesperson said, and will be available to all patients, regardless of income. People enrolled in government insurance programs, such as Medicare and …

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8 Answers

Am in hospital with pneumonia after simple cold. Is this an exasperation? Hosp doc did mot mention but on 10 mg prednisone daily. Frustrated but determined to have better days. After all, I’m only an 82 yr old woman whose got attitude.

Author: Evie
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1 Answers

Just found out from my doctor today that my PFT is consistent with mild asthma even though I had emphysema show on a ct scan. They didn’t say anything about COPD. I dont know if I should request a 2nd opinion or not. I just feel like something isn’t …

Author: Steph1986
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1 Answers
Obstructive breathing, reversible on triple action inhaler in 28M

Hi everyone, I’m 28M, and have been having constant obstructive breathing for the past year. I did several PFT tests which showed irreversible 0.7 FEV1/FVC following ventolin and elevated DLCO (120%). with my pulmonologist, I did extensive testing to …

Author: David29
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1 Answers
Hyperinflation and DLCO

Just wondering if anybody knows if hyperinflation and air trapping have any effect on DLCO? Could it possibly cause DLCO levels to be higher?

Author: Steph1986
0 Votes
2 Answers
drug interactions with stiolto respimat

About 4 months ago I switched from a 2xdaily steroid based inhaler to the 1xdaily stiolto respimat inhaler. My primary doctor just ordered a cardiac C-reactive protein test, and --- after a lifetime of being told I have the "cholesterol of a kindegartner …

Author: campbell67
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2 Answers
Test results-should I be worried about it being on the lower end of normal?

I know this number is in the normal range but does anyone know if I should I be worried about it being on the lower end of normal? I don’t have an appointment with my doctor until the 23rd. They didn’t really explain anything to me about this other than …

Author: Steph1986
0 Votes
2 Answers
New meds-can anyone tell me the difference between what these drugs will do us?

Two new meds are coming it seems, Verona Pharma’s ensifentrine was just approved. and the now being tested Dupixent. can anyone tell me the difference between what these drugs will do us? also ensifertine is coming out in a month or two can anyone how …

Author: Who Me ?
0 Votes
2 Answers
Breztri-Is Breztri an appropriate medication for stage 1 COPD?

Is Breztri an appropriate medication for stage 1 COPD? I’ve been a little more short of breathe the last few days so I went to the doctor. My regular doctor is on vacation so I had to see the PA who said I needed to be on some sort of medication and gave …

Author: Steph1986
0 Votes
6 Answers
Here’s my results from a routine cat scan —- anyone have any advice ?

Just had a routine cat scan for lung cancer —anyone have any advice ? I’m not very thrilled with the results —- smoked from 86 thru 2002 ? Then cigars for a few years then off cigars then cigars constant since 2012 thru last Friday after I read this …

Author: Patrick M
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2 Answers
Can anyone on here tell us about your lung transplant?

I have been asked by my doctor to consider a lung transplant due my poor quality of life. I am 75 and may not be a good candidate. That's yet to be determined.

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2 Answers
Virtual Meetings

Hi! I am new to the group. Are there any scheduled virtual support meetings either through this organization or any others that you may know about? Thank you!

Author: Aimee_M
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5 Answers
Job suggestions plz

Suggestions for either stay at home jobs or jobs where there’s limited contact with sick people. Right now I work with kids and would love to find something else but only went to school for the current job I have. Anyone know of anything? Thanks

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38 Answers
Masks—who should wear them and how to get them?

Found some old plastic for transparencies that we can easily repurpose to make shields will have to make a special template to guide cutting out the little cuts for glasses earpieces one sample shield I made had huge cuts (my dexterity with Matt knife is …

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1 Answers
Doctors performing Zephyr Valve replacement

I am looking for a current list of experienced Doctors in the Northeast who perform the Zephyr Valve replacement.

Author: Dave4sue
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5 Answers
Advocacy in America: Reflecting on IMPACT 2024

This Independence Day, I want to honor our amazing team of IMPACT 2024 lung health advocates that I worked with in Washington, D.C., where we asked our lawmakers to take action to support lung health! On March 5, individuals with chronic lung disease, …

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3 Answers

PFT 1st One Mild obstruction 2nd One Moderate Obstruction suggested Asthma significant airway increase 3rd One Mild Obstruction 4th- Methocholine no asthma 5th One Moderate Obstruction suggested Asthma significant airway increase Attached latest PFT. …

Author: mcat43
0 Votes
3 Answers
Can an monoclonal antibody stop too much phlegm?

This January 2024 article seems interesting: Antibody activating an immune cell protein may help COPD controlling NFkB, TNFα, IL-6, and IL-1B. Lets hope it works and doesn't take too long to get through trials. https://copdnewstoday.com/news/copd …

Author: Richard DJ
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    It is not our intention to serve as a substitute for medical advice and any content posted should not be used for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We make every effort to support our members, our medical professionals cannot and will not provide a diagnosis or suggest a specific medication; those decisions should be left to your personal medical team. While we encourage individuals to share their personal experiences with COPD, please consult a physician before making changes to your own COPD management plan.