Shop and Give Back!

You can support COPDF while making your everyday purchases.

Look for COPDF as a charity partner on eBay, Bing, and Deal Aid.


When you sell products on eBay, you can donate some or all of the sale price to the COPD Foundation. The portion of your sale that goes to the COPD Foundation is tax-deductible and eBay collects it automatically when the purchaser pays by credit card.

You can choose the COPD Foundation and set the percentage in the Selling details section when you're creating or editing a listing.



When you enroll in Microsoft Rewards, you can join Give with Bing, and Microsoft will donate to the COPD Foundation when you make searches using the Bing search engine.

To sign up, go to and make sure Give Mode is set to ON. Then click Change nonprofit and select the COPD Foundation.



DealAid is a website that helps you find coupons for major realtors. When you use a coupon you found on DealAid to make a purchase, they’ll make a donation to the COPD Foundation.

Visit and select any coupon. You'll get a pop-up with the coupon code and a search bar to search for the charity of your choice. Search for "COPD Foundation" and select us, then click "SHOP>>".
