I'm a 40 years male, smoker, I have been suffering from shortness of breath and racing heart rate issue since 3 months ago, visited doctors multiple times and they kept checking my heart and confirmed my heart is healthy, I insisted on testing my lung and so they did PFT and result is shown below. Pulmonologist diagnosed asthma, and ensured me that this is not COPD, because I don't have chronic cough, and the CT scan I did 8 months ago didn't show emphysema.
I read through lots of documents, Post-BD of FEV1/FVC < LLN (75% for me) is considered as COPD, and my bronchodilator reversibility testing is 10% and 400ml increase, whic does not meet the criteria of 12% AND 200ml.
FVC 5.73L(Pre-BD) 5.75L(Post-BD)
FVC(%Predicted) 118%(Pre-BD) 118%(Post-BD)
FEV1 3.81L(Pre-BD) 4.2L(Post-BD)
FEV1(%Predicted) 94%(Pre-BD) 104%(Post-BD)
FEV1/FVC 66%(Pre-BD) 73%(Post-BD)
FEF25-75% 2.41L(Pre-BD) 3.25L(Post-BD)
FEF25-75%(%Predicted) 57%(Pre-BD) 76%(Post-BD)
RV 2.09L
RV(%Predicted) 105%
TLC 7.56L
TLC(%Predicted) 105%
RV/TLC ratio 28%
DLCO 30.92
DLCO(%Predicted) 96%
VA 7.05L
VA(%Predicted) 102%
Kco 4.39
Kco(%Predicted) 93%