I am new to this site and have called the information line
several times to speak with other people with COPD. Have read many of the posts
on different subjects. Having been diagnosed with COPD in 2013.I have quit
smoking recently and scheduled to meet with pulmonary rehab next month. I have
been tested for lung function only 1 time a few years ago and it was at 47%
then. Have an appointment with my pulmonologist for the end of March. My COPD was manageable
with medications until January of this year when I had a bad lung infection and
was sick for about 3 weeks. Now the Emphysema seems to be worse. I am 60 and not
working as of right now. Thinking about filing for SSDI, will be talking to my pulmonologist
to see if I qualify. I enjoy reading all the new posts and hello to all.Your
help and advise welcome.