Our local paper has an article on Medicare Chronic Care Management (CCM), which is available to people enrolled in Medicare or both Medicare and Medicaid AND having 2 or more conditions such as:
Asthma, atrial fibrillation, autism spectrum disorder, chronic kidney disease, COPD, depression, heart failure, hepatitis, hypertension, HIV/AIDS, ischemic heart disease, osteoporosis, psychotic disorders including schizophrenia, and stroke, or other chronic conditions.
CCM services may include:
At least 20 minutes/month CCM services
Personalized assistance to create care plan
Coordination of care among pharmacy, specialists, testing centers, hospitals, etc
Phone check ins between. Isitd
24/7 emergency access to healthcare professional
Expert assistance in setting and meeting health goals
Patients are responsible for their regular deductibles and copays.
More info at go.cmd.gov/CCM or call toll-free 800-MEDICARE.
Just wondering if anyone had tried this CCM and what their experiences have been, good, bad, or neutral. I plan to tell the folks at the support group about it if they are interested, as I'm sure many have at least 2 health conditions.