Its been under two years I quit smoking. Ignore my last posts.
Something did not feel right and I remember at the age of 40 going to the doc and he gave me this thing to blow in. His response after that was…uh your kind of low.
So- I bought a peak flow and measured at home at the age of 41. By 43 I took charge and had a PFT and it states mild obstruction- quit smoking that day January 6 2020.
45 today and travel a lot. I have not been diagnosed but have had 2 PFT’s one mild/one moderate.
What I notice today. Walk upstairs talk on the phone or respond to my wife up the stairs and I need a minute to catch my breath. I fly for work many times a month when I get off the plane and carry my luggage of the ramp I feel my chest tighten. When I swim and stay afloat in the pool with my kids my chest tightens. When I pick them up and put them to bed I feel tightness
I have my 3rd PFT this Friday. Never have had bronchitis’s that I know of but my at home peak flow with FEV gives me a 4.2 total and a 2.7 FEV.
I have had my buddies blow into this thing and they destroy me.
I will take this test and curious if my pulmonologist will diagnose me or call it Asthma, I’m assuming COPD is not a good tag at 45 for insurance purposes. Otherwise, this COPD has kept me up at night since 43, it keeps me always going back to anxiety.
I don’t know where my future will be BUT this is a mind blowing experience and thanks for listening to me babble……