My 82 year old grandmother, has been dealing with COPD for 10 years, give or take. She has been stage 4 that we know of, for two years. In April, after a terrible exacerbation, my mother and I called an ambulance. After a few shorts days in the hospital, we were given a time frame of 3-6 months, due to how flat her diaphragm is and how enlarged her lungs are, etc. We were told about hospice, and we were able to have her take hospice for a month. She hated hospice, so my mother decided to take her off. Here we are, four months later and in the last 2 weeks, she - even though hungry, can't seem to take more than a few bits of food, she says she has a hard time chewing, swallowing, etc. She can't walk around the house, nor is she getting out of bed much. She sleeps a lot more, can't hold a conversation for too long and we have to help her in and out of the bathroom. There are other things involved, but I think you all understand. My mother is her main caregiver, as my grandmother lives with my mother. Since I am the only other family member in town, close by - I am over there everyday helping my mother, helping my grandmother. This whole situation just breaks my heart. I can't imagine what my mother is going through. We tried to bring up hospice again to my grandmother, but even though she knows she is sick - it's not the COPD, it's everything else. She believes she will just get better in a few days. She is confused, forgetful, can't remember what happened the day of, but can remember everything from her long past from 20 years ago. Repeats many things over again, etc. I understand that everyone dies in their own way. I don't know what to expect, how bad she will suffer, etc. I'm just looking for another caregiver, who has been through this, that can give me direction of what to expect and how to cope with the confusion and denial of this disease. Where do you go from here?