Hi Everyone,
I first want to thank all of you who have been following my high strung, impulsive tendencies on this site. I’m learning about me and finally accepting me and proud I quit smoking. What’s so interesting is when I was smoking I had less phlegm and never even realized or focused on the SOB Part. That sounds backwards.🤔
I was able to get in to a pulmonologist again last week with all my questions to ask.
This is what I received from Pulmonologist.
An inhaler with a steroid 5 days so far and since I have taken it I have no SOB of any sort. Our house is a Chicago Bungalow so many stairs - first set in morning maybe a little SOB the next 10-20 sets a day;)nothing. Im happy.
6 months my smokers cough is GONE and I’m moving more daily(active)-noticing my face and skin looks better. Cigarette smoke smells like PF1 know- soooo angry 😡 I did not quit years ago- BUT I was not ready.
Day 5 with Flonase and my post nasal drip has left the building- should of started that a year ago.
My Top Three Symptoms that I still notice.
1. Morning- Thick Phlegm Need To Bring Up and get out.
2. Always (Daily)Working Out or on Baseball Field with kids Phelgm comes up (embarrassing) Arrr….Only when I’m really active phelgm comes up(thick). If I’m working at my desk no phlegm.
3. I can run at a slow pace BUT after a couple blocks chest pressure and it will go away. UpHill or treadmill incline, ladder no pressure. Can run in sprints without chest pain.
I understand all your comments over the last couple months and again TY for all your help. What I’ve learned from you all-COPD is a process and everyone is different and going through stages at different points of their lives. The is no one size fits all with this.
My promise is to give back what I’ve been given from all of you.