My Test 3 Months Ago
Received my numbers today and comments on paper.
PVC 4.57 97% Today 4.12
FEV1 2.96 79% Today 2.3
FEV1/FVC 65% Today 55%
Full function lungs and 18% increase after inhaler.
43 years old Male
Someone dropped the ball or I’m being misdiagnosed. Actually, no one has diagnosed me and I had to beg my GP to have this test done today.
HE PUT In big CAPS - this is patient request.
I did see a pulmonologist after the first tests a three months ago and he laughed at me.
The reason I pushed a retest is because my @home peak flow was so off from my first test and know what a coincidence my numbers align.
Something is off - decline like that in 3 months. I call ****.
The one thing I know 4 sure is my post nasal drip and phlegm is exhausting.
I’m 8-12 years from a Doc degree. But, if I had to take all my life savings I bet something had been brewing @bronch inflammation and a weez bit of Asthma and NO doc looked it to it because I look so healthy.
Have a great day to my people on this site.
Always listen you your GUT.