In 2015, I took a chest X-Ray and the radiologist noted "mildly hyperinflated lungs". My primary care doctor at that time just ignored it. In 2023, 8 years later, I took another chest X-Ray, which the ratiologist noted "emphysema lungs are seen". My question is: do I have emphysema?
I am 57 and never a smoker. I had brief expsure to second hand smoking with my former roommate. I have never experienced shortness of breath in my life even when I climb up stairs or climb a steep hill. I sometimes have dry cough, which my primary care doctor attributed to postnasal drip from my allergic rhinitis.
So I went to Amazon and bought CMI Health SpiroLink for at home spirometry test. Below is my at home test result:

I do not want to go through a CT Scan, due to fear of radiation. Do I need further test such as going to a hospital for a full-blown pulmonary function test? Can I trust this at home spirometry test result?
Thank you for reading this! I would appreciate your input.