I have had COPD since 2011 and am in a moderate-severe stage. I recently had a traumatic event occur(my wife of 27 years telling me she had an affair because she can't handle my being in pain and sick all the time) which triggered an AFIB event that landed me in the hospital having my heart restarted 3 times. I am now dealing with that for life along with my COPD that is acting up due to my heavy smoking from the stress. My question( I am long winded), stabbing chest pain and tenderness. I get both on a constant basis, like 20 hours per day probably, less the 4 I sleep. Very sharp acute pain and then ribcage feeling like I was hit with a bat and its all bruised. Do others with both conditions have similar issues? I am sure my stress makes it worse but this is horrible since nothing seems to help.