  • How much do you know about exacerbations?

    Take this short, 5-question quiz to learn more about COPD exacerbations (also known as flare ups). Do you know what to do if you suddenly started feeling an exacerbation coming on?

    At the end of the quiz, you will find links to more information about exacerbations where you can learn more and take advantage of the valuable resources the COPD Foundation offers.

    For each question, choose only one answer.

  • Congratulations, that is the right answer! When your symptoms are getting worse, that is a sign that an exacerbation may be happening or about to happen. Great job! Let’s go on to the next question.

  • Congratulations, that is the right answer! You do not always have to go to the emergency room when you are having an exacerbation. Well done! Keep it up with the next question.

  • Congratulations, that is the right answer! The My COPD Action Plan is a valuable tool for monitoring your condition so you can be aware of changes in your health before problems arise. You are doing great! Let’s see what the next question is about.

  • Congratulations, that is the right answer! These are all steps you can take to prevent exacerbations. You’re a pro! Just one more question.

  • Congratulations, that is the right answer! Exacerbations should be managed alongside your doctor. Self-treating with over-the-counter cough medicines should be done with your doctor’s advice. Excellent, now click below to see your score and to learn more about exacerbations.