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PRHI Readmission Reduction Guide: A Manual for Preventing Hospitalizations

Resource Type: Toolkits

This is a quality improvement toolkit for healthcare providers and health systems administrators aimed at reducing preventable readmissions for those with chronic illness through infrastructure change and process improvement. The guide is based on a multi-year pilot project that significantly reduced readmissions for patients with COPD. Guidance follows a four-step process of planning, doing, checking and acting to reach desired and data-driven outcomes. A discussion of support elements critical to program success, including home visits and patient engagement, is also included. The appendices include relevant questionnaires and process tools.

To read the PRAXIS Nexus Best Practice Interview with the PRHI team, click here.

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Citation: PRHI Readmission Reduction Guide: A Manual for Preventing Hospitalizations. Pittsburgh Regional Health Initiative, 2011. Accessed March 20, 2020.
care coordination caregiver & community co-morbidities evaluation & quality improvement exacerbations hospitalization patient education post-acute care promising practices readmission risk stratification telehealth treatment

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