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Patient perceptions of severe COPD and transitions towards death: a qualitative study identifying milestones and developing key opportunities

Resource Type: Research Papers

This is a review article detailing the physical and psychosocial symptoms of advanced COPD and barriers to the implementation of successful palliative care in this population. In addition to the discussion of treatments, the authors address the psychosocial and spiritual issues commonly seen in these individuals.

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Citation: Lal AA, Case AA. Palliation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Ann Palliat Med. 2014; 3(4). Accessed March 25, 2020.
behavioral health caregiver & community co-morbidities exacerbations exercise hospice hospitalization nutrition oxygen Palliative care patient experience post-acute care prevention pulmonary rehabilitation readmission socioeconomic issues treatment


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  • This sounds very ideal and obviously Buffalo NY has worked hard to put all the pieces together for their program. But that does not always translate to the average community. I was pleased to see the good discussion of the valuable use of opioids - but morphine is not the only effective opioid.

    At the other end of the spectrum is the COPD patient who does not have a family caregiver, lives alone, financial barriers for obtaining outside help for groceries, etc. and transportation to medical appointments. I am not referring to those on state assistance and clinic patients. There may be a palliative team in the hospital but not all offer outpatient appointments and the PCP is charged with prescribing antidepressants and finding a palliative care physician. Medicine today, in all branches, assume the patient has the support system, i.e. family caregivers, that will participate in care for the COPD patient. The downward spiral picks up speed.
