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Online Versus Face to Face Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Patients with COPD: A Randomised Controlled Trial

Resource Type: Research Papers

This American Thoracic Society 2017 Conference abstract presents the findings of a randomized, controlled non-inferiority study that compared outcomes from an online pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) program to those from traditional PR. Distance traveled in the 6-minute Walk Test and COPD Assessment Test scores were measured for 90 COPD patients after completion of the six-week implementation period. Results indicated that the online PR program was not inferior to the established face-to-face program on either of these measures.

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Wilkinson T, Bourne S, DeVos R et al. Online Versus Face to Face Pulmonary Rehabilitation for Patients with COPD: A Randomised Controlled Trial. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 2017; 195: A4940. Accessed March 11, 2020.

pulmonary rehabilitation telehealth


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  • This sounds very promising for patients who are limited, either remote locations, no vehicle or overall health issues.
    • I agree with you that it is a promising great resource for the patients including caregivers and communities.
  • As a life-long techie (and Trekkie, but that's a different post!), I'm a huge believer in the use of telehealth. I think sites like COPD360social and my own experience with running an online COPD education and support group prove the value of these interventions, and as technology improves to make remote monitoring and realtime communications more practical for more people, it's going to make this service far more accessible. Let us hope reimbursement allows these to flourish!
  • Very interesting article. I'd like to learn more about bringing online PR to my patients.