Yea, a shot of Tequila. No really, I haven't gotten my flu shot this year and I think I'm feeling an exacerbation coming on. Not even sure about that. I hardly ever get sick or a cold and flu. My wife caught a nasty cough and gave it to me. I never cough and now it's just a little bit, not near as much as she is. I can feel mucus in my lungs and when I do cough I can feel it loosening up and I try to hack it up and out. Sometimes I feel like it's going to get stuck in my windpipe and I won't be able to breathe. It has, but I got it to come the rest of the way out. Scary, I was sweating and then tried to get my "E" tank turned on up to 8lpm for just a few minutes to get me saturated back up. Don't even know if I needed it but it seemed to help better. My chest feels tighter than normal, you would think it wouldn't because of the mucus breaking up or whatever it is. It comes up clear but have never had a problem with that before. I have that prednisone stuff that my Pulmo prescribed for me. I guess my question is: should I eat a few of those pills (like 5 today, 4 tomorrow, 3, 2, 1 the next following days). Should I even bother with getting a flew shot? It scares me because as I said I hardly ever got sick before and just never bothered with Doctors and shots until COPD. If I get a shot now my body will say what are you doing and I might or it might make things worse. I'm getting a lot more SOB than normal and even seem some what confused. Neither my doctor or my Pulmo are in until Monday. I don't like ER's unless I'm dying, and a dam ambulance ride for 4 miles is over $1000.00. My inhaler isn't helping much, I'm afraid that if I go out I will go out, big time. Wife should be home soon. I've been on this COPD crap and this bloody oxygen for over a year now and thought I knew some stuff and what to do and stuff, but as it turns out, I don't know anything, just panic. I can tell that I'm in a bad situation and will deal with it as so. Why is it so scary, I don't know what's happening. Here's my mind right now. I don't know who to insurance pills in ambulance 911 no I won't yes I guess I don't know, where, what, money, life or death, importance, priority, who's my oxygen, is my doctor on, breathe???? What does that mean MM. So mixed up. OK then