I’m new to this group. My mum has COPD only formally diagnosed 2 months ago but we suspect she has been living with condition much longer.
As well as COPD she also has polyneuropathy and has been a wheelchair user for a number of years now. She basically goes from bed to sofa and back again her mobility is that poor.
For the last month she has had 5 admissions for low oxygen levels, as low as 50. Once on supplementary oxygen her levels rise again and she is let out of hospital, only for the levels to drop again soon after needing readmission.
When discussing her long term care we have asked if she can have oxygen at home but apparently her carbon dioxide retention means that is not possible. She has previously tried the pap machine at home but due to her confusion and anxiety she won’t / can’t wear this. Her kidneys are now being affected by the co2 retention.
Her mental capacity is so low now that she has been deemed unable to make decisions for herself re end of life care. The hospital gave told us today that they won’t support any intensive care if / when it comes to it.
This leaves us in a position where she is ping ponging back and forward to hospital but the hospital don’t seem to have anything further to suggest.
Does anyone have any experience of this?
I just want to make my mum as comfortable as possible. If I’m honest I think she’s close to dying but no one will confirm or deny.