Please help me interpret the PFT results I received today. Does the decreased RV mean there is less air trapping? The biggest drop (6%) was the FEF25-75% — what does that mean? I’m also concerned about the drop in the DLCO. And is it concerning that the FVC continues to increase?
Also, I am confused about the different percentages and what that means. For example, FVC is 106%, FEV1 is 105%, PEF is 122%. Is it good or bad if something is greater than 100%? Which direction is the “good” direction?
What is your impression overall of these results? My pulmonologist said it’s a normal PFT, as the other two have been, but I remember reading so many times on this site that a “normal PFT” often misses early COPD, especially as my CT scan noted “minimal centrilobular emphysema. Is there still evidence of air trapping? Does it look like things are worse, the same, or better? Thank you so much for your help!