I am 52,
At the beginning of this year I found out there was mould in our house. My husband had clear pulmonary problems, so I also decided to test. I had an Xray and CT scan in March, both clear. In mid February I also had a spirometry (black and white, it was done in French so I added notes in English). The pulmonologist said it was OK, and attribted the shortness of breath and the chest tightness I started to have in March to anxiety.
However, in July I decided to get a second opinion. Another spirometry (the color one) was done, and I see the diffusion is much lower now (DLCO/KCO), and the PFV1/FVC ratio is below 0,7.
The second pulmonologist determined something is not OK, but did not say what. He prescribed some inhaled broncho./cortosteroids and told me to have another PFT in 3 months. I feel constantly chest pain now.

Never smoker, no professional risk, only the mould could be the issue, I think. Never had had asthma or any other health issues.
The anxiety is terrible.
Could somebody please let me know what they think?