I think my SOB is different. It seems the definition of shortness of breath is that people get this with activity, like walking up stairs, can't walk far without SOB, get breathless and tired when moving, etc.
I never have this. I do best when active and my 30 minute mall walks are slightly aerobic with good steady breathing in and out. My cardia stress test was great.
So I don't have what seems to be the SOB of concern. When I went for the lung breathing test, I had a chest infection and every once in a while I'd get this feeling of labored breathing, a heavy chest, when sitting watching TV, a heavy chest, and one night when lying down to sleep but not other nights. It could last an hour or so. Then I'd be up and about and fine. I also had little stabs around the chest and back, here and there. I was put on antibiotics. This is all now gone. The pulmon doc has me on Trelegy (I was in his waiting room 45 minutes drowning in peoples' perfume, a big trigger that would seize up my chest)..
Do you have any clue the difference in meaning between SOB when active versus the opposite when not active or simply random and feeling a heavy chest, a slight labored breathing.