Hi everyone,
I’m 38 year old male who smoked about 40-50 smokes per day over 25 years could be less as when I was younger I would have smoked that much.
on the 18/02/2019 I had a CT scan and no emphysema.
I was diagnosed via a CT scan that on the 11/11/2019 that I have Mild Emphysema. So I’m assuming I caught it as I got it.
Reason for these CT scans is I have always been a worry wart and I requested them as I did smoke and was always worried about getting lung cancer “ silly I know” I should never have smoked.
I currently have no symptoms at all and have quit smoking.
I saw 4 doctors who all told me there is nothing to worry about just quit smoking and I will be fine.
I was so stressed I requested to see a lung specialist plymo.
And he said exactly the same thing...
He was very down to earth and explained what I had and also showed me images of my lungs and a tiny dot on the CT scan which was the emphysema.
His exact words were “ stop smoking and you will not get any symptoms at all and it will stop the progression”
I did a lung test and my compacity is 96% and my DLCO is 110% and no evidence of airflow obstruction and a normal gas diffusion.
Does this sound normal as I’m really scared I’m only going to live for like 10-15 years if I’m lucky.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you