FEV1 is 4.51 L, 103% predicted. FVC is 5.98 L, 117% predicted.
FEV1 FVC ratio 0.75. There is bronchodilator responsiveness most
notable in the midexpiratory flow rates. Diffusing capacity is
34.7 mL/min/mmHg, 107% predicted. Total lung capacity is 7.3 L,
106% predicted. Residual volume is 2.34 L, 162% predicted. Flow
volume loops are somewhat limited in expiratory peak but are
without evidence of obstruction.
Nonobstructive spirometry. There is bronchodilator
responsiveness in the midexpiratory flow rates. This is
nonspecific but can be seen in the context of asthma. Diffusing
capacity is normal. Lung volumes are notable for air trapping.