COPD Foundation Position on Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy

Posted on September 28, 2021   |   

This position statement was reviewed by the COPD Foundation COPD Foundation Medical and Scientific Advisory Committee.


Several online alternative and complementary health and wellness websites claim that nebulizing hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) will kill viruses in the lungs. These websites claim: "The goal (of nebulizing hydrogen peroxide) is to stop the virus before it gets deep in the lungs where it causes severe inflammation and can progress to serious illness."1 They go on to state that nebulizing hydrogen peroxide is "useful for non-viral illnesses such as asthma in patients with chronic lung disease."1 These claims are unproven and inaccurate. Serious injury can occur to the airway if high concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are inhaled and can cause subglottic stenosis and laryngospasm, which can lead to intubation and mechanical ventilation.2 In addition the US Food and Drug Administration has not approved the nebulization of hydrogen peroxide for medical use or even the treatment of COPD and other chronic lung diseases.

COPD Foundation Position

Nebulizing or ingesting hydrogen peroxide is dangerous. Nebulized hydrogen peroxide therapy is not recommended for the treatment of COPD. The COPD Foundation does not recommend the use of nebulizing hydrogen peroxide in the treatment of COPD or other lung disease until there is more rigorous scientific and medical proof of its effectiveness. Instead, the COPD Foundation encourages individuals to follow their doctor’s recommendations for therapy and not pursue this form of alternative medicine/therapy.


  1. Advanced Medicine Alternatives. Hydrogen peroxide nebulization. Accessed April 21, 2021.
  2. Pritchett S, Green D, Rossos P. Accidental ingestion of 35% hydrogen peroxide. Can J Gastroenterol. 2007;21(10):665-667. doi:10.1155/2007/423217


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  • Thank you for posting this important information in response to some bad -- and dangerous -- information that's spreading out there. When we hear talk about any new treatment or cure, it's best to not take that advice right away, and to check with solid resources such as the COPD Foundation before repeating false claims.
  • Thank you to the COPD Foundation for raising awareness of this dangerous and unproven practice! It seems people are very quick to reject the recommendations of our public health experts, while simultaneously (and enthusiastically) accepting whatever new fad is championed by pseudo-science "experts".

    Keep up the good work you are doing in providing evidence-based, scientific advice for those with COPD and their loved ones!
