COPD Foundation Educational Materials

Thank you for your interest in the COPD Foundation’s educational library. We have a variety of useful booklets, flyers, and tools to help you learn more about living and thriving with COPD – everything from the basics of lung conditions to specific topics such as exercise and exacerbations (flare-ups).

The following are available to download to your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Hard copies are available to purchase through our online store.

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Guides for Better Living

The NEW! COPD Foundation Guides for Better Living are comprehensive educational booklets for use by individuals with COPD and their families, pulmonary rehabilitation programs, COPD support groups, and health care facilities. Each of the nine Guides for Better Living focuses on one important aspect of life with COPD. Many in this series of 12- to 20-page easy-to-read booklets feature interactive portions for patients and caregivers to discuss together. The Guides are available for purchase individually or in a set in our online catalogue.

English plus

Español (Spanish) plus

Italiano (Italian) plus

Français (French) plus

中文 (Chinese) plus

العربية (Arabic) plus

فارسی (Farsi) plus

Pусский (Russian) plus

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The Basics of COPD

The Basics of COPD contains helpful information for individuals new to COPD. This booklet covers many important topics, such as how COPD is diagnosed, treatment options, how to manage COPD symptoms and flare-ups, tips for living well with a lung condition, and how to cope with COPD. You’ll also find a list of resources for more help managing your COPD.

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COPD 101/201

COPD 101: Understanding the Basics of COPD, covers introductory information about COPD and includes a screening tool and symptom tracker.

COPD 201: Beyond the Basics, will be of particular interest to those looking for more advanced information and covers topics such as medication, treatments, smoking cessation, nutrition, and co-existing conditions. It also includes a copy of My COPD Action Plan.

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All About Bronchiectasis

All About Bronchiectasis contains helpful information for people with bronchiectasis. This booklet covers many important topics, such as how bronchiectasis is diagnosed, treatment options, tips for living well and reducing exacerbations, and how to find support for living with bronchiectasis. This booklet may also be beneficial to caregivers as well.

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Oxygen Therapy Basics

Oxygen Therapy Basics is intended to support individuals who are new to (or curious about) supplemental oxygen therapy. This guide covers the goals of oxygen therapy, oxygen equipment, safety, travel, and more.

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COPD Pocket Consultant Guide (PCG)

The app. The COPD Pocket Consultant Guide (PCG) app is built to support patients with COPD and their family members in self-management and to assist health care professionals in providing optimal care. The patient and caregiver track contains several helpful tools, including an interactive My COPD Action Plan and activity tracking calendar; inhaler, nebulizer and exercise videos; and a wallet card to track important information such as medications and immunizations. In the health care provider view, users can access the CAT and mMRC Breathlessness Scale; an evidence-based therapy flowchart; COPD medications lists; inhaler and nebulizer education videos; and much more. To download the free app, please visit the App Store or Google Play. You can read more about the PCG tracks for patients and caregivers and for health care professionals.

The tri-fold card. For health care professionals, hard copies of the COPD Pocket Consultant Guide, including the treatment decision tree, seven COPD severity domains, the CAT, the mMRC Breathlessness Scale, and listings of brand or generic medications are available for download below. In addition, laminated versions are available through our online catalogue.

The COPD Pocket Consultant Guide was supported by Astra Zeneca and GSK.

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Disaster Preparedness Plan (DPP)

The COPD Foundation Disaster Preparedness Plan (DPP) is a comprehensive resource for individuals and families impacted by chronic lung diseases, including COPD. This booklet will help you plan for emergencies and stay safe during a disaster event. You’ll also find an interactive removable insert containing helpful forms, lists, and charts for making a disaster preparedness plan that is specific to your own needs. The DPP can also be found in the COPD Pocket Consultant Guide (PCG) app, available on the Apple App Store or Google Play.

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COVID-19 Defenses: What You Need to Know

Testing positive for COVID-19 can be scary and overwhelming, and people with COPD are at higher risk for severe symptoms. While you should always discuss treatments with your health care provider, this poster covers currently-approved treatment options.

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The Impact of Smoking

This flyer highlights the benefits and importance of quitting smoking at any age. Learn about tools to help you quit smoking as well as risk factors for COPD in this double-sided flyer.

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My COPD Action Plan

It can be very helpful to have an action plan to follow when managing your COPD. This plan guides you when you’re feeling well and when an exacerbation (flare-up) is starting. The COPD Foundation's My COPD Action Plan should be filled out the first time as part of a discussion with your health care provider, and then used daily or as often as you can. Remember to update it at least every six months. Download your copy here or use the interactive My COPD Action Plan in the COPD Pocket Consultant Guide (PCG) app (free for download in the App Store and Google Play).

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Tips for Living Well with COPD

It’s important for individuals with COPD to stay healthy and enjoy their favorite activities. In the Tips for Living Well with COPD flyer, you will learn about tools, techniques, and resources to help you on your journey with COPD. You will also learn useful health and safety tips for managing your COPD.

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Staying Healthy and Avoiding Pneumonia

This one-page fact sheet focuses on preventing pneumonia in individuals with COPD. This flyer will give you helpful tips and tools for staying healthy, avoiding illness, and recognizing early warning signs of an infection or flare-up.

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Staying Safe with COPD: Protecting Against Shingles

This one-page flyer focuses on preventing the symptoms and complications of shingles for people with COPD. While discussing treatment options with your health care provider is important, this flyer can help you make well-informed choices about the best available care.

Staying Safe with COPD: Protecting Against Shingles plus

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Medication and Immunization Wallet Card

It is important to keep a list of your medications and immunizations handy. Fill out this wallet card and carry it with you. Be sure to update it periodically.