Hi! I am really just so overwhelmed with this diagnosis. I am 58 years old, never smoked, parents never smoked, but I was around a lot of second hand smoke as a child while living in the Middle East. I was just diagnosed with stage 2 COPD after two spirometry tests, one in office and one in hospital. My FEno was normal. and my fev1 (mid to high 50s) did not respond to bronchodilators. Chest xray was okay and now I have to get a catscan. I am short of breath on extreme exertion but I do not have a cough and if it weren't for feeling short of breath, I wouldn't have even gone in to see the doctor. My stress test and echocardiogram were normal. Did not have covid and these symptoms started BEFORE covid even began. I am 5 2 and 120 pounds, healthy BMI, and exercise regularly. I also am hearing impaired and had eye surgery for my ocular hypertension to prevent a narrow angle glaucoma attack. Scared of catscan showing cancer or some sort of additional restrictive disease, this whole situation really gets me anxious and upset.