Greetings! I have a question about medicare coverage for SSI disability folks. I read that some conditions can make you eligible sooner than the 24 month waiting period. This does not include the 6 months one must wait to get payments after becoming eligible. Anyway, I have insurance through my husband which is not as good as I had as a teacher. We just finished paying the 2k dedcutible. This means I have until October first to get any tests I need done so I don't have to pay the whole cost. CT scan is $100 copay plus %20. My oxygen is $103 a month and other meds are over $200 a month. I need a other expensive tests and treatment for other issues also. I qualified for disability the first time I applied. Is there anyone here that has a very severe COPD with bronchiectasis diagnosis that got approved for Medicare before the waiting period? My husband is 66 and working for my insurance which is better than nothing but not that great. He is demonstrating some chronic issues and I want him to retire soon but we fear we won't be able to pay the $1600 month fee for non-medicare clients with the insurance company that offers plans for retired educators. I have a second question: I started nocturnal Oyx. last October. Our area gets really bad with wild fire smoke, last year I just went to visit away relatives. This year that will be much harder due to my current needs. I can't take my concentrator with me and tanks don't last a whole night. What creative ways do any of you travel or go camping? Thanks and hope you all are having a good summer.