i was diagnosed with corona virus early june i stayed at home for about 10 days where i had loss of taste and smell then i entered hospital due to short of breath and stayed for three weeks where i had taste and back but little smell ability then i stayed on oxygen at home at rate of 2 lpm for about 3 weeks then i kept using the same rate but not all day i was removing it for about 6 hours a day and i kept removing supplemental oxygen gradually and after another 3 weeks i was using oxygen on sleeping only for i about 2 weeks and sometime i was lowering the rate to 1.5 lpm as i felt too much oxygen after those two weeks i removed oxygen permanently and after about 10 days i had nasal congestion for about 10 days till now with loss of smell and taste and no any other symptoms
i mention the supplemental oxygen details as i suspect it's the reason for taste and smell loss
what should i day to get them back ?