I'm finishing up with a 2+ month sinus infection and sinusitis. I'm at the end, thankfully, but not before the following happened:
- 4 internists, all with different meds
- 1 ENT dr who barely gave me afrin - with a 3 week wait!
- a final trip to internist, who saw the issues, and attacked it with Neilmed, high MG anitbiotics and 60 mg of predisone per day to shrink down the sinus
- today I saw the pulmonoligist -- he was VERY unhelpful. Said he didn't know anything about sinusus, didn't know anything about "tapering" !!!! and he knew nothing about allergy pills.
All of these specialists are in the SAME Medical Group!
I'd had a Pulmonary doctor few years ago who would tackle the sinus issue until she couldnt, and would make sure i was set with everything I needed. My current doctor spend 10 minutes, tells me well, I may need more 02, and we'll see. He was telling me to find other specialists - I'd have 5 if he would be happy. So far I've spent $500 on drs,. and another $300 on meds in 6 weeks.
Enough, I said. there aren't mlre tests to be done, they don't seem to have any magic potion. I'm sticking with my Internist, which will give me the right meds when I need them --before I need them.
I am thinking of changing Pulmonologists. This dr. does a little as possible for me. I'm undertreated and ignored,
Any comments? Happened to anyone else?How do you deal with it? thanks