My pulmonologist was not much of help to my condition besides telling me to keep doing what I'm doing, so I dropped him and I have called few pulmo. doctors to schedule another appointment.
I have done the alpha1 and came out OK. My pulmonologist never explained my PFT to me.
FVC Ref 53.81, pre meas 3.96, Pre Ref% 68, post meas 4.64, post ref% 80
FEV1 Ref 4.20,pre meas 2.46, pre ref% 59, post meas 2.64, post ref% 63
FEV1/FVC Ref 72, pre meas 62, post meas 57.
Lung Volume
VC liters 5.81 471 81
TLC liters 8.27 10.04 121
DLCO ml/mmhg/min 25.8 25.2 98
DLCO/VA ml/mmhg/min/liter 4.23 4.82 114
there are other number in each category, but as I understand these are the more important.
I appreciate if anyone can put them in terms that are easy, I understand them a bit but not fully.
Which number I can influence to make better by exercising and eating well.
I was diagnosed with emphesyma. My CT scan says : There is minimal emphesyma" again the doc never went over my CT, not a word.