Hello community, im new to the site, please forgive my english is the best I can do since its not my main lenguage
months ago I had a rpimary pneumothorax, in the surgery to fix it the medic extracted a piece of my lung that looked weird, it had a calcified bit on it, so it was sent to biopsy, the results were 2, one expected which is the subpleural bulla/bleb and the other was totally unexpected which was the enphysema, I have always been very thin and I get tired sometimes, sleep a lot but I had never had any problems working, or playing or doing my normal life beyond that, I visited two doctors by now, one general doctor and one otolaryngologist, the first one told me the enphysema could be really small since they only saw it on the bipsy test, not on the x-rays which I took like 20 during my stay at the hospital, and not on the scanner I took, so he said I should be okay, the second guy told me something similar but with the extent I cant no longer dive, im a marine biologist so thats kind of a big deal if my job requires, he also said I should be calm
currently im saturating 98-97 without oxygen, and I feel okay, before the bleb incident I was saturating 99, we with my wife we are really scared, we cried a lot since enphysema its cronic and gets worse over time leading to death, I was worried about dying soon and leaving her alone