Hi there everyone,
So my lung issues gave me quite the day today.
I have been experiencing some pressure in my chest the last week or so, which got progressively worse over the weekend. It felt like my windpipe was being squeezed, just like a fullness or pressure is the best way I can describe it.
It got so bad that I took myself to the emergency room due to feeling like my breathing was being effected.
They ran a lot of tests and then eventually a CT because I had a high d-dimer (which I tend to always have for some odd reason) and the report came back as stable findings of congenital lobar emphysema with a mild mediastinal shift of my heart and other thoracic structures to the left. They told me to contact my pulmonologist right away to come up with a plan.
I can’t find much regarding this online, or how life threatening it is.
Has anyone else experienced this due to hyper inflation? Or is this a common feature if my condition?
I’m quite uncomfortable, and there are times when I feel like I’m breathing through a tiny hole. The hospital didn’t tell me how this would be treated because they said it’s not acute and therefore not something they would treat.
Is the only way to treat this to resect my lower right lobe? Will that stop all the compression?
Thanks so much for taking time to read,
I’m feeling a bit concerned and afraid of a surgery like this.