I have requested a second opinion with a different pulmonologist over a month ago and I can’t get in until September 10th. I called his office yesterday to see if there was any way we could expedite some of the tests like a PFT(been over a year-first one was good), CT scan, etc.. They asked me again about my symptoms and I told them everything including the blood every morning and night. After the call ended I immediately got a call back from one of their nurses and was told to go to the emergency room. I told them that I had been through this before and was sent home after a few tests. She insisted and I went. They did all the normal stuff-EKG, blood tests, chest x Ray, CT scan with the dye to look for PE. Again I have no answers.
My wife, reiterated that this is all in my head and that since they don’t see anything on these tests that I must be creating this in my head. It is literally driving me insane because I know that this is real. Nothing changes, I can feel it when I breathe, the chest discomfort, the throat pain, the phlegm, the blood, the barking cough, my sinuses, the headaches, the list is forever long. They are day to day 24/7 and it seems nothing I do helps. The throat irritation and chest discomfort might be the worst parts. I don’t know what to do. Are there inhalers or medications that can help with these problems? I’m just at a loss. My wife is an RN on a respiratory floor(she smokes). She is currently out of the house due to my mental state over this condition. It seems I went from the best part of my life to the worst in a matter of a very short period of time and I don’t know what to do. Sorry for the ran