Hi everyone,
I am a 33 year old mom of two small kids and I recently had a “small patch of emphysema” show up incidentally in my lower right lung on a CT scan for something unrelated. The CT scan lists it as findings of congenital lobar emphysema but I was also a smoker for around 10-12 years. I quit for good a few weeks ago.
I can’t get into the pulmonologist for a few months I guess so I am just stuck not knowing what’s going on. I am so scared. I am currently fighting back tears and I have been crying on and off since my doctor told me. I can barely interact with my boys because it puts me into sever depression to think about not being here for them. All I keep thinking is that if I have it this young, that means I will likely not make it into old age.
I plan to do everything my doctor advises me to do and change my whole lifestyle around but I am still so scared. I suffer with anxiety, especially health related anxiety and this is putting me into a really frightened place.
I made the mistake of perusing the COPD Reddit page and I keep seeing people talk about watching their parents suffer with COPD and how awful it is. I was looking for some hope and I found the total opposite.
My doctor is flabbergasted by my results. I haven’t had any other testing done and I don’t have any noticeable symptoms yet.
I guess I am just looking for some support, maybe a little hope. I feel really alone. My husband thinks I am being over dramatic and I don’t want to scare my family. I don’t know how I can cope with the unknown, or the constant fear of things progressing unexpectedly. Any advice or experiences would really help me right now. I don’t want to be disrespectful in any way because I know most of you are going through your own struggles. But, I just don’t know where to turn. I feel lost.
And to add to the anxiety, where I currently live we are being totally over run by forest fires and it’s covered in smoke outside which is just causing me to feel even more trapped and worried.
I know I need to calm down and stop worrying but I can’t, I’m a worrier. It’s hard for me not to catastrophize. I’m hoping to find some strength here.
You all helped a lot on the few comments I received on my last comment. Your time and wisdom is so very appreciated.