Hi i have had copd for a year now and would like your thoughts on anoro ellipta inhalation powder hi i got diagnosed with copd last year and straight away was put on anoro ellipta i sorry to say that it was ok for a month or two but then i statlrted noticing my copd and breathing was getting steadily worse as time moves on i went back to my nurse specialist in my health centre.and told her.but she brushed it of citing that yes the disease does.get worse over time and so i accepted this with reluctance went back home and continued taking this powder,it was long before i got even worse with getting out of breath while sitting down do pretty much nothing so i ended up looking on internet for anything that would explain the speed of my deterioration from this illness and found on every browser i searched through that anoro ellipta can and probably will make your copd worse over time not a natural progression mind you but a progression driven by this inhalation powder that supposed to make your life easier but does complete opposite at alarming rate,offcourse i have sinced stopped taking it and within a few days of taking nothing started to feel better and have managed without an inhaler for 2 months now,im saying all this to warn people of this terrible medication they give you to manage your condition it was like a pouson to me in all that it did,so sinse then i have been off any inhalers but a few days ago another medication arrived via my son who was given it by the chemist it is spiolto respimat i relucantly have hanow had two doses of it and my brething is more managable but are you or anyone you know aware of any repurcussions of taking spiolto respimat like it making copd get unnatuarly worse over time in a way that is not a natural progression,would live to have anyone ones thoughts on this as i do not want to take another inhaler that is going to make things worse as time goes on thankyou so much for any response pat.