After nearly losing him again a last month due to COPD, and got pnuemonia and then as he retains carbon dioxide they called us up to the hospital at 4am as he wasnt responding to the Non invasive machine and as his lungs are so damaged he wouldnt be taken to ICU. Im only in my mid 20s and never thought that i would have to be seeing my dad like this. My mum feels like she is on her own as the care at home hasnt been consistent enough to say the support has been there for her, and as i have my own family im not always around. Its a really rubbish thing to be going through, nobody really understands what its like. I have 2 half brothers from my moms side, they treat my dad like there dad but at the end of the day its still my dad. Some days i dont know what to expect? They have said this NIV machine could pro long him for a couple of years, but still am i ready to let go then? How can even with warning you be prepared to lose a parent? I know dad is very sick, but not sure what to expect in the end stage of this silly COPD.