It is November, COPD Awareness Month. Hmmmmm… So, what, actually, is awareness? Is it just knowing that this disease exists? Is it knowing what the letters COPD stand for? Is awareness knowing how COPD affects those diagnosed with it? Or is awareness a more in-depth knowledge of COPD facts and figures, locally, and around the world?
To me, in the work I do, awareness is about helping as many people as possible learn what COPD is, how it affects impacted individuals (those diagnosed, their family members, and caregivers) what is being done to treat it at this time – and hopefully in the future, and how people with COPD can live as well as possible in spite of it.
Yes, awareness can mean many things. And sometimes awareness can also be on a very personal level, keeping us in check regarding the way we pay attention to -- and take care of -- our physical and emotional health.
What does awareness mean to you when you think of COPD Awareness Month? What does awareness mean to you?
I look forward to hearing from you!