Hello Friends,
I hope your week has started off well. Things are going well here so far. We had a glorious couple of days at the end of last week where the weather was just perfect, but this week it seems that summer has arrived in full force! I must confess, I was not ready for it. The heat and humidity can make it difficult to stay outdoors for very long, but I am still trying to get outside early before the heat is terrible and get the garden watered and such.
How do you handle the summer temps where you live? I know the morning hours are not for everyone since the air quality can be worse in the mornings. But what do you do to stay active without overheating or becoming short of breath? Are you making sure to stay hydrated and keep your rescue inhalers with you? I will not go anywhere without my rescue inhaler after my incident last summer. If you don’t remember, or if you are new to the site, I wrote about it in one of my Teaching with a Twist posts. It was titled, “Teaching with a Twist – Stress and Weather” if you want to check it out. I learned my lesson for sure with that experience.
I am curious about how you all are doing as summer heats up and we are still supposed to be wearing masks when we go out in public. Are you finding it difficult? Have you any tips or tricks to make it easier?
I would love to hear from you. You are an important member of this community. Check in with us and let us know how things are going and how you are feeling.