- Do you worry more than others do?
- Do you tend to multiply the possibilities of what can go wrong?
- Are you sometimes so worried that you toss and turn in bed and can’t sleep?
- Have you ever been told, “Stop worrying! Relax!”
- With everything going on these days, have you begun to worry more than you ever did before?
If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, don’t worry, you’re not alone! I, myself, am an expert worrier. I’ve done so much of it, for so long, I’ve gotten really good at it! I come from a family of worriers. My dad and his mom, my grandma, were big worriers too.
I’ve found that being an excessive worrier can be a real burden. It can keep us from doing the things we should – working at our job, seeing our doctor or dentist, being in touch with others, eating, sleeping, and generally taking care of ourselves like we should. When our minds get involved with the action of worrying, our bodies get involved, as well. Our muscles tense up and the level of stress hormones keeps rising. This can fuel worrying thoughts and keep them going.
So... are you a worrier?
If so, what do you worry about?
What helps you worry less and feel better?
Is it possible to train ourselves to stop worrying just as we train your muscles to do breathing techniques?
Let’s talk about worry and how we can all do less of it for the good of our physical and emotional health.