Good afternoon! I mentioned yesterday that I would be posting my Tuesday Tunesday song on today’s check in. I have to tell you that there are few songs that really amuse my kids when we hear them on the radio or better yet, if they play while we are out in public.
Over the years, my tolerance for poor manners or bad behavior in general has dwindled away to nearly nothing. And I am sad to report that the current COVID-19 crisis has not particularly helped either the manners of the general public or my patience. The song that cracks Hayden up EVERY time is “Stuck in the Middle with You” by Stealers Wheel. (He really thinks I could have written that one.) The one that makes Haley think of me is, “Who Can it be Now” by Men at Work. Even if I am not around when the song plays, they will sometimes later remark to me that they heard one of “my songs” and thought of me.
We have seen some really crazy behaviors here recently. Everything from large gatherings of people at our neighbor’s house where nobody was practicing social distancing or mask wearing, to sharing drinks while in line to pay at the gas station. I must admit to you that at those moments, I hear Gerry Rafferty in my head singing, “Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right…”
Have you seen behaviors that make you shake your head in disbelief? It isn’t just me, is it? I would love for you share your weird, funny, or otherwise remarkable stories with me. Actually, the funnier the better. Post them below so we can laugh together.
Oh, and by the way – since we are all in this together, I’m glad to be “stuck in the middle” with all of you!