Any one else have problems with Breo?
Diagnosed with Severe Copd 48% lung on Dec 31 2019 Dr immediately put me on Breo and Ventolin,during January I started to have several issues including walking,falling,pain and bad depression with bad thoughts of suicide that continued to get worse, actually had it planned out how I was going to end it all ,went to my Pulmonary Dr who sent me to my Internal Dr who wanted to send me to therapy even suggested my family could Baker Act me. I went home and tried to figure out what changed in my life in the last 7 weeks,I determined it could be Breo..I stopped taking Breo 7 days ago and my life went back to normal,and now just using my Ventolin,I’m also a Type 2 with insulin and my A1C went from 6.4 to 8.7 using Breo, Bad results for me!!