Hello hope you are all doing ok :). So this is the story. My mother has asthma and emphysema. I don't think she had emphysema at the start because she had only ics Alvesco and reliever berodual or ventolin. Now about a year ago she was perscribed also Ultibra breezhaler because she told the doctor she uses short term reliever alot and doctor told her that this med will reduce the need for ahort term reliever. I am confused. Now she is using Alvesco for asthma and Ultibra for copd? (Lama/laba). Does this mean she has a really bad copd? As I said in previous questions she can do daoly activities with no problem, was never hospizalised and can walk long distances no problem. As I understand this is acos (asthma and copd overlap). So fo I understand right that she is using ics Alvesco for asthma control? And ultibra for copd? Does this combination mean she has severe or very severe copd? I am confused because in some guidelines I have read that lama/laba and ics together is used in severe copd together... But I think that she only uses Alvesco for asthma. God this is so confusing. Now I am worried she has bad spirometry result, but I think thaz is not the case since 3 years ago she had a really good result. More than 80% fev1. So does she have this combination of inhalers because of asthma and copd together? She doesnt seem sick to me at all, except she caughs a bit more and sometimes needs short term reliever med... Sorry for long post, I just wanted to describe her condition as good as I can so I can get proper answera. Thanks in adwance!