My mum has had Copd for over 10 years, her fev1 is 30 and recently she has had 3 hospital admissions within 8 weeks, each time time having to call an ambulance. The last time her spo2 was 53% and she was lucky to survive. With each admission it is getting lower. Once she has the bipap and oxygen it goes back up and she recovers. As soon as she's discharged from hospital she goes back to smoking and drinking and pushes us all away. Her memory is going and she seems very child like. I'm at a loss of how to help. The doctors seem unable to tell me how long she has left so that I can prepare myself mentally for it. Right now she's in hospital and I'm trying to get them to keep her in so that I can spend some time with her before she is discharges and puts her life in danger again. Does anyone have any similar experiences or advice?
Thank you