my loved one won’t tell me much about his COPD. He found out about it when he went to the emergency room because he coughed so hard that he broke the cartilage around his rib cage.. (don’t know if those are the right words to explain it). While being seen the dr there diagnosed him and referred him some where else. He did many test and still won’t tell me everything. Except that his lungs are like paper bags and was told he will up to 5 years.
It’s been 5 years now. He has these episodes of zoning out? Awake but sleeping? He drools and sometimes falls on the floor shaking. He has slurred speech. He becomes swollen sometimes on his face or his feet/ankles. He can’t stay awake. He looks pale and he is so weak. Sometimes while he is doing something he ends up standing still/sitting and will be like that up to 14 minutes. And when I talk to him as that is happening, he looks at me and asks what he was just doing. Sometimes this last up to a week. When these happen, he won’t go to the hospital until after he okay. Then they send him to mental health or say he lacking sugar. This guy eats all sweets all the time. And the mental health thing, idk what to say about that, a lady dr just looked at him and she can’t help him. HE DOESNT DRINK WATER. But every other liquid he does.
Another thing is, he will not give up smoking cigs. He refuses to go anywhere during these episodes or to a specialist for his condition or even get his refills/percriptions.
Now the most recent thing I have noticed is that he has a weird smell to him. A sickly ugly sweet smell to him. I don’t know if anyone else notices it. It smells wrong and makes me want to throw up.
How do I handle this? Or who should I talk too? What should I try to do? Some one please help me.