COPD Foundation launches the Digital Health and Therapeutics Accelerator Network, COPD360Net to speed innovation

Washington, DC – September 23rd, 2020: The COPD Foundation, a not-for-profit organization focused on improving the lives of those affected by and stopping the progression of COPD, is delighted to announce the launch of the COPD360Net initiative.

COPD360Net Logo

COPD360Net has been created to deliver the following:

  • Facilitate, review and expedite clinical trials
  • Enable the development and adoption of novel digital health tools and therapeutics that treat COPD
  • Prevent progression and improve lives of individuals with COPD and related chronic lung diseases at all stages of disease

The last regulatory approval of a new mechanism of action therapeutic for COPD was in 2011 and patient research has demonstrated the need for new and better treatments. COPD360Net will serve as an accelerator to speed innovation through patient-centered evidence generation and facilitation of clinical adoption.

COPD360Net consists of a network of core COPD Foundation accredited care centers, experts in the field of COPD and related lung diseases and relevant subject matter experts including primary care, health economists and psychosocial experts. It is governed by a Steering Committee that includes clinical lead expert representatives from the participating centers, as well as key content experts and patient and caregiver representation.

Dr Ruth Tal-Singer, President and Chief Scientific Officer at the COPD Foundation said: "The problem that we face is that the development of new treatments for COPD has taken many years and the last new mechanism of action approved in Europe and the US for COPD was roflumilast in 2010/11.

We believe that many drug failures were the result of testing of promising molecules in the wrong COPD populations with inappropriate outcome measures. Thus, we think that there are several, if not many, promising molecules available with proven mechanisms of action and initial safety testing that have been shelved due to the high financial risk associated with development. We decided to develop a program to test some of these molecules in efficient phase 2 studies using targeted COPD subpopulations and focused outcome measures that extend beyond lung function.

Adapting our strategy to the post COVID-19 “digital trials” era and based on surveys and patient input, we would also like to address an immediate need for improved care delivery using telehealth tools, in particular peer-supported virtual pulmonary rehabilitation. Our Mission Statement is ‘to develop novel therapies and digital health tools that treat COPD and prevent progression’. In line with our mission, we are also forming a patient and caregiver advisory board for COPD360 called the COPD360 Community Engagement Committee."

"Through integration of clinical experts in COPD, primary care, clinical trials and dissemination along with patient advocates, the COPD360Net will serves as a powerful tool to identify novel pharmacological and technological innovations to advance COPD care. The creation of a research infrastructure through COPD360Net will ensure rapid deployment of clinical trials identified as highest priority from the relevant stakeholder groups. This approach ensures rapid, meaningful research reaches the target population in an efficient manner" said Dr Brad Drummond, Associate Professor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and COPD360Net Executive committee co-chair.

The patient advocate on the COPD360Net Executive Committee Dr Jean Rommes commented: "COPD360Net has the potential of being one of the most important projects the Foundation has ever launched. It combines three of its founder’s John Walsh passions: research, innovation and people with COPD. The work the COPD360Net can do will help us reach a cure someday, one of John‘s dreams."

COPD360Net is being launched ahead of COPD Awareness Month in November. Find out more about the initiative at

About the COPD Foundation

The COPD Foundation is a not-for-profit organization created in 2004, with offices in Washington, D.C. and Miami, FL.

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a preventable and treatable disease. The COPD Foundation was established to speed innovations which will make treatment more effective and affordable, to undertake initiatives that result in expanded services for COPD patients, and improve the lives of patients with COPD and related disorders (through scientific research, education and awareness) that will lead to prevention and a stop in the progression of COPD.

Media Inquiries Contact: Cara Pasquale, Project Lead for COPD360Net.
866-731-COPD (2673), ext. 312